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Design of Chair -Midnight Blue chair-

Balmy chair and respects to be looked is hungering for everyone when someone sits over there. Simple design with form of modern minimalist is the idea taken away from classical art deco chairs models. In Java, Indonesia is recognized by the name of "jenky" chair. Form of arch at boom accommodates position of hand when the chair is used. Seat shoulder made to be hefty so that impressed assertive and is simple. Stainless steel material is a combination trap with gum and timber is idea to makes strengthening the chair character. The Character every material express function from every part of chair. At shoulder side applies rubber bearing as backbone buffer and skeleton stainless steel gives strong impression and steady. This design idea gives example to us, which can learning as of flange for towards modern era of vital is importance, because development of design will become more beautifully to be enjoyed.

Design by :Riyanto Yosapat.

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