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Identical Traditional House with Moderation of Life

House is the place or man shade of outside nature. The principle House is to protect our life that’s being ready to be in it. The base principal making house made by life is being, especially man. Initially man forms house with a real simple form, that is with bamboo and wood as construction overall of house and applies fiber of palm tree roof or other natural material. In the development, man adapts with technology progress, so that form of house becomes more modernly with multifarious form and has exclusive character.
If we peep at in small rural areas or towns, which there is in every state, traditional house or form of local house still applied as dwelling. Unconsciously human life style comes from house community condition. The man who live in traditional house usually identical with simple life, they intention making more account at social scope more than thinking of importance to feather nest x'self. Told simple because they life doesn't major earthly and form of the house not luxuriant, but enough as the shelter for interaction with all of family.
Moderation of life and social character is nation culture that must be developed, so that this thing can be realized as law norms moving forward state to be more onward and grows. Identical nation culture characteristic with traditional locality of settlement scope must still be taken care of the placing and doesn't close possibility to developed in the case of idea and progress of technology supporting development of ability of skill from life router children in this world.

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