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Open Veranda at Limasan House

Traditional house in java, Indonesia, we call as “limasan” house is having great geometric housing plans. This building has symmetric plan form. They gift open space in front of the house for people who will comes to their house and be the space for relaxing view in front of the house. if we see from the angle of architecture design, by making of space like this can profits all sides and good for societal life. Usage of open veranda with maximum size is very good in processing of zoning; because between private areas, semi of public space and public space will not be each other impinge in function and pawnbroker comfort. With simple form of building, this house has a great circulation air and natural lighting inside to the house. Sometimes we want our house is spectacular in the form of design with much ornament or extreme balky design, but how about natural environments like air circulation and natural lighting?. If we want has a long life, we must think cleverly and smart to existing site and building locality, because every site gives different comfortable space for us.

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