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Sambisari Temple at Yogyakarta

Two kilometers off the main road between Yogyakarta and Kalasan is the village of Sambisari, in which the temple of the same name is found. It is a temple with a similar plan to that of Cangal Temple, but the building is a little later. The temple was covered with a very substantial layer of rubble, probably as a result of flood. This means that it was found intact and the buildings are still being dug out. The central sanctuary is raised on a terrace surrounded by a balustrade; the cella contained a plinth which covered the foundation well. Archaeologists digging at the site have noticed that some of the statuary had been altered in the past, either because of a change in ritual or else to update the building. There are only three flanking shrines which consist of a small terrace enclosed by a balustrade in interrupted by an entrance porch on one side. In the center of each terrace there was a statue unprotected by any covering structure.

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